July 30, 2011

Mimpi dan Tafsiran : Nak Percaya Atau Pun Tak? (share)


Hello dreamers. What's up?

Berapa ramai antara korang yang tak pernah mimpi? Aku bet yang tak ada seorang pun yang kat dunia ni yang tak pernah bermimpi. Even orang buta pun bermimpi tahu?

Pernah tak korang terfikir how if apa yang korang mimpikan itu adalah real dan bakal berlaku? But, here is the thing, "Please jangan terlampau percaya kepada mimpi". Most of orang akan kata yang mimpi tu adalah mainan tidur dan juga mainan syaitan. Well, maybe orang-orang tu betul. Kebanyakkan mimpi hanyalah mainan syaitan dan mainan kita sendiri.

Mainan syaitan
Agak susah untuk kita tahu (Actually, kita tak akan tahu) yang sesuatu mimpi tu adalah mainan syaitan or not. Dan aku rasa ramai yang tak tahu yang most of mimpi-mimpi buruk adalah hasil dari permainan syaitan. Sebagai contoh...

Dalam mimpi korang berada di sebuah tempat yang korang tak tahu. Then korang terdengar suara seperti korang kenal. Then korang carik-carik la punca suara tu. Then bila sampai di sebuah ruang legar, korang nampak Yusri KRU tengah pukul Lisa Surihani. Then korang nak pergi tolong, tapi badan korang tak bergerak. So, menangis la korang sambil lihat peristiwa  sadis tersebut.

So, bila korang menerima mimpi seperti ini, apa yang korang nak buat? What? Korang nak pergi report kat Lisa Surihani yang korang mimpi macam tu? Then apa yang korang expect? Korang expect yang  Lisa Surihani akan tinggalkan Yusri KRU? No way! *Kecewa*

Sebenarnya, sekitar 90% mimpi-mimpi yang sedih adalah sekadar mainan tidur dan mainan otak korang. Lagi pun, kalau korang tengok buku-buku tafsiran mimpi, most of the mimpi ni mana ada bab sedih-sedih kan? Aku kasi contoh

Korang jumpa dengan arwah ayah korang. Then di sebabkan lama dah tak berjumpa, dia ajak korang borak-borak. Masa dah habis borak, arwah ayah korang tu ajak korang ikut dia balik ke rumah dia (rumah or whatever). Then korang nak pergi la. Tapi apabila korang melangkah je, korang akan terjatuh. Even arwah ayah korang support pun, korang still jatuh. Menurut tafsiran, itu maknanya umur korang panjang. But, if arwah ayah (Or siapa-siapa je) ajak korang pergi ke tempat dia dan korang setuju untuk ikut dan tak ada masalah sepanjang perjalanan, itu maksudnya umur korang pendek dan ajal bakal tiba.

Apa yang aku tulis di atas adalah satu tafsiran mimpi yang rasanya semua alim ulama tahu. Dan rasanya dalam mana-mana kitab tafsir mimpi pun sure ada pasal tafsiran ni. Tapi cuba korang tengok, mimpinya tak sedih kan? Actually, bila aku kata mimpi yang sedih bermaksud korang berasa amat sedih ketika berada dalam mimpi. If apa yang berlaku di hadapan korang tu adalah benda yang menyedihkan tetapi korang tak rasa sedih, maka ianya bukan termasuk dalam mimpi yang sedih. Dan macam yang aku katakan, mimpi yang sedih adalah mainan syaitan dan mainan otak korang. Yes, mainan otak.

Mr K, apa maksud kau dengan mainan otak?
Aku bet yang korang (Girls biasanya) amat suka berfikir dengan panjang sebelum tidur. Ada yang berfikir nak kahwin dengan Prince Charming lah, Prince Katak lah, itu lah ini lah. (Eww, please.. *Rolling eyes*) Most of the time sebelum tidur tu mesti dok fikir tentang bab jiwang-jiwang, bab nak kahwin, bab si dia buat benda-benda romantik then mula lah senyum sensorang. Eley, macam la aku tak tahu.

Dan benda-benda macam ni lah yang akan di bawa ke dalam tidur (Mimpi). Dan itu la maksud aku dengan mainan otak. Bila kita terlampau fikirkan sesuatu, kita secara tak sengaja akan bawak masuk ke dalam mimpi dan ianya berlaku di bawah nama Department of Subconscious Mind. Termasuk lah juga bila korang rasa insecure dengan pasangan masing-masing. Korang tak kata dia curang, tetapi korang rasa macam dia tak really into you. Then bila korang rasa macam ni, otak korang akan memproses benda yang korang takut untuk hadapi termasuklah bermimpi ditinggalkan si bakal suami ketika majlis akad nikah. ;D

Dan dalam isu berlainan, korang mungkin akan kata

"Aku tak pernah pun teringat pasal awek comel tu. Tapi tiba-tiba dia muncul dalam mimpi aku. Adakah itu pertanda dia jodoh aku?"

Well, dalam hal ni, ada banyak kemungkinan yang berlaku. Ada kemungkinan kecil (amat kecil) yang dia adalah jodoh dan kemungkinan besar yang itu hanyalah mimpi yang nothing. Bullshit punya mimpi. Mimpi yang based on subconscious mind. Korang rasa yang seolah-oleh korang tak terfikirkan pun pasal seseorang tetapi minda korang sebenarnya sedang berfikir (menyusun) pasal seseorang tersebut. Untuk perngetahuan korang, subconscious mind akan setiasa berjalan even masa korang tidur. Sebab itu lah korang akan bermimpi.

Iye ke? Macam mana dengan deja vu? Aku mimpi jumpa seorang yang aku tak pernah jumpa. Then beberapa hari lepas tu, aku jumpa orang yang aku mimpikan tu. Padahal aku tak pernah jumpa pun dia. 
Actually, aku rasa semua orang pernah bermimpi ala-ala deja vu ni. Atau pun dengan kata lain, bermimpi tentang sesuatu perkara yang belum berlaku. Contohnya, macam aku lah. Kalau tak silap aku, beberapa tahun lepas aku pernah bermimpi yang aku menulis entry pasal mimpi. Then bila aku terjaga, aku berfikir balik pasal mimpi aku tu dan berkata "Wth aku nak tulis entry pasal mimpi? Sure membosankan gila". And then di saat aku nak start tulis entry ni, baru aku teringat yang aku pernah bermimpi exactly sama dengan yang sedang berlaku. Holy shitt. Right? Right?

But then, how about deja vu yang based on muka? Betul ke kita nampak orang yang kita tak pernah jumpa dalam mimpi sebelum jumpa di real life? Actually, who knows? Dan sure ke yang kita tak merge memori mimpi kita dengan memori muka orang yang kita jumpa di real life? Sebenarnya, tanpa kita sedar, kita dah merge-kan memori yang tak clear tu. Masa dalam mimpi, korang nampak muka dia samar-samar. Then bila jumpa, otak korang tak pasal-pasal mergekan (gabung) segalanya and then, sure korang akan rasa "Ehhh, aku rasa macam pernah jumpa dia kat dalam mimpi aku doeee"
Mimpi tidak boleh dijadikan hujjah ke atas hukum syarak. Ia sekadar berita-berita yang menggembirakan atau berita-berita amaran sahaja. Tidak lebih dari itu. 

Dengan kata lain, mimpi tak boleh dijadikan satu-satunya reason untuk korang berbuat sesuatu. Just because kerana korang bermimpi yang mamat sebelah rumah korang tu mencurik seluar dalam korang, tak bermaksud yang dia betul-betul curik. Mungkin mimpi tu bermaksud supaya korang (girls) berjaga-jaga apa bila menyidai spender di luar rumah.

Korang tahu apa pendapat ulama tentang mimpi?

Mimpi yang benar datang dari orang yang tidak pernah berbohong dalam hidupnya. Menurut Ibn Al-Qayyim semakin benar hidup seseorang itu semakin benar mimpi yang dialaminya. 

Please ar. Please kata yang korang tak pernah menipu seumur hidup korang. Then please ar berharap yang aku akan percaya bila korang kata korang tak pernah menipu. Penipu.
Selain itu orang yang bermimpi itu hendaklah berada dalam keadaan berwuduk dan tidur pula dalam suasana mengikut sunnah. 

Setahu aku, korang ni main pakat tidur je. Basuh kaki tak, gosok gigi tak. Entah-entah, seharian tu mandi pun tak. Inikan pula nak berwuduk. Then korang ada tidur ikut sunnah tak? Aku intai awek-awek comel nampak siap ada yang tidur terlentang lagi, air lilur basi yang mem-peta-kan bantal tu jangan cakap ar. Tidur gila ah buas. Patut la dapat mimpi bukan-bukan.

Mimpi ada 3 bahagian dan jenis iaitu:
  • Mimpi yang benar (Datang dari malaikat etc). Mimpi ini adalah mimpi yang baik-baik.  Mimpi yang boleh dipercayai.
  • Mimpi yang datang dari Syaitan. Mimpi yang nak rosakkan korang.
  • Mimpi yang datang dari hidup korang. Korang asyik syok kat lelaki yang ada accent British. Di sebabkan syok sangat, maka korang bawak la dia masuk dalam mimpi korang. Well, apa yang korang mimpikan adalah based apa yang korang fikir. 

So, kalau korang bermimpi tu, jangan fikirkan sangat. Termasuk lah bila korang buat solat istikharah. Solat istikharah tak semestinya akan beri kita mimpi. Well, most of the time, ianya tak akan datang dalam bentuk mimpi. Tapi for your information, ianya datang dalam perasaan kita. For example, korang tak tahu samaada korang patut drop subjek killer tu ataupun tak. So, korang buat la solat istikharah. Selepas korang buat isthikarah, korang rasa tenang je tanpa rasa nak drop subjek tu. Tada, itu lah antara kelebihan kecil istikharah.

Conclusionnya, jangan percayakan sangat mimpi tu dan sila jangan guna mimpi sebagai teras untuk berbuat sesuatu.

has: sngat suke post n blog from the other khairul... great job

by: the other khairul
visit http://theotherkhairul.blogspot.com/ for more info...(tolong promotekn)

July 29, 2011

Ramadan etiquette: A guide to your Muslim neighbor’s holy month

Last Wednesday, July 20, 2011 photo shows personal trainer Mubarakah Ibrahim, right, as she watches client Mari Walker, left, run, during Ibrahim's early morning boot camp class in New Haven, Conn. Ibrahim, who is Muslim, is planning on re-arranging her training schedule to mostly mornings during Ramadan when she has the most energy. (Jessica Hill - AP)

Contributors to AltMuslimah.com
In the next few days, you may come into work and find your co-worker taking a power nap at 9:30am. At break time, you’ll notice she is missing in the discussion about Harry Potter over at the water cooler. At the staff meeting, you will be shocked when she is offered coffee and cookies and refuses ! By lunch time, your concern about her missing at the water cooler compels you to investigate the situation.

Then you remember what she had mentioned last week over a delicious Sushi lunch. Flooded with relief, you go up to her desk, and proclaim with much gusto, “Ramadan Mubarak (Moo-baa-rak)!” Ramadan’s Blessings to you!

The month of Ramadan is a happy occasion; it is the month that the Muslim holy book, the Koran, was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad. Muslims are called by their religion to celebrate the month by coming together in worship, fasting each day for thirty days from dawn until sunset.
While this may seem like a tremendous feat, consider this: Fasting while working is an even greater endeavor. Make it a little easier on your Muslim colleague by following a couple of simple rules:

The Greeting. The next time you find yourself in line for the copier with your Muslim colleague, feel free to wish him or her “Ramadan Mubarak” or “Ramadan Kareem” or simply “Happy Ramadan.” We absolutely love it when people acknowledge Ramadan and are happy about it.

Positive Reinforcement. Keep in mind that we’re fasting voluntarily and, actually, pretty joyously (despite the tired, sad look on our face). We’re not forced to fast. In fact, we wait for this month the whole year, so you don’t have to feel sorry for us. We are not trying to be rescued (other than by that ticking clock taking us closer to sunset!).

The Lunch Meeting. Most of us understand that life goes on, and so do lunch meetings, and if we are participating in them while fasting, don’t worry about eating in front of us. This is just part of the test. We appreciate your acknowledging our fast, but don’t feel the need to discuss it every time you show up in our line of sight holding food.
Just try not to eat smelly foods. . . and please ignore our stomach when it growls at your sandwich.

No Water. It’s true -- we can’t drink water either. Again, this is part of the Ramadan test and our exercise of spiritual discipline. This is probably why you may not find your friend at the water cooler. Try switching the break time conversation to another location in the office. You should probably also let them skip their turn for the coffee run this time.

Halitosis. While God may tell us that the breath of the one fasting is like “fragrant musk” to Him, we know that you’re not God - and aren’t enjoying it. Understand why we’re standing a good foot away from you when speaking or simply using sign language to communicate.

Iftar Dinner. Consider holding a Ramadan Iftar dinner . Iftar is the Arabic word for the meal served at sunset when we break the fast (it’s literally our ‘breakfast’). This will be a nice gesture for Muslim coworkers and will give others the opportunity to learn about and partake in Ramadan festivities. Although there is no specific type of meal designated for iftars, it is is tradition to break the fast with a sweet and refreshing date before moving to a full-on dinner.

Fasting is not an excuse. Although energy levels might be low, the point of fasting is not to slack off from our other duties and responsibilities. We believe that we are rewarded for continuing to work and produce during our fasts. Fasting is not a reason to push meetings, clear schedules, or take a lighter load on projects.

That said - we don’t mind if you help work in a nap time for us!
Ramadan is a time for community and charity. There are iftar dinners held at mosques every night (you are welcome to join the fun - even if you’re not fasting!) and night time prayer vigils throughout the month. We give charity in abundance and make an extra effort to partake in community service. Throughout it all, we maintain an ambiance of joy and gratitude for all that God has blessed us with, and reflect on those in this world who have been given much less. This is a time for all of us--not just Muslims--to renew our spiritual intentions, increase our knowledge, and change ourselves for the better.
credits :  and Shazia Kamal

July 19, 2011


KALI pertama di dalam sejarah dunia warna kuning menjadi warna yang digeruni oleh sebuah negara. Warna kuning telah diharamkan dari dipakai oleh rakyat jelata malah, perkataan BERSIH menjadi perkataan yang diharamkan oleh pemerintah.
Sungguh pun pemimpin negara yang mengharamkan warna kuning dan perkataan BERSIH itu boleh melakukan apa saja di negaranya, kerana dia ada kuasa, di luar negara dia terus dikejar dengan warna kuning.
Sebelum ini Perdana Menteri kerajaan Rosmah Mansor, telah dimalukan di London apabila sekumpulan penunjuk perasaan yang memakai pakaian serba kuning membantah tindakan kejam pentadbirannya terhadap peserta perhimpunan aman BERSIH 2.0 di ibu negara sabtu lalu.(HARAKAH DAILY)


Berikut gambar sekitar semasa lawatan DATO SERI’ NAJIB ke london :


Has : no comment. We need PM to change, or change PM himself. LOL, really...

P/S- no offense. I love Malaysia. Daulat Tuanku.

credits: https://www.facebook.com/pages/100000-People-Request-for-Bersih-30/162422890496193

and www.kembarahadi.com :D

July 17, 2011

Rasional Emosional

Sje2 tukar mood :D - letak lirik lgu pulak...

Tak pernah ku duga
begini oh rasanya
indah tidak terkata
terbaik dalam mainan cinta

Dan kau
bagaikan sang mentari
menyinari kehidupan
gelap malam kini terang
tiada lain ku harap

Kau yang bernama cinta
puja segala galanya
kau yang bernama cinta
jangan kau persia sia

Dan kau
bagaikan sang pelangi
mewarnai kehidupan
terang jiwa kini cerah
tiada lain ku harap

Tak perlu
tak usah kau lagi
tak usah mencari
ku ada di sini

July 13, 2011

Coffee Talk...

Some are trying hard to show the beneficial effects that coffee has on our health, others see it as the devil's beverage. Others say it's rather a bogus. Read on and decide for yourself who's right!

1. Some say that the energy boosting effect of the morning coffee is only in your mind and you should sleep more. The caffeine eases withdrawal symptoms accumulating overnight, but does not make people more alert. Only people who do not regularly drink coffee will get a 'push-up' from caffeine, while the British Coffee Association insists that regular drinkers do feel more alert.

Regular coffee drinkers swear that their morning caffeine wakes them up, and in case they don't take it, they feel they have no energy and will surely be less efficient in their activities. Researches show that a first caffeine intake does not make the individuals more alert than those who do not drink coffee are.

Others insist that moderate coffee consumption of four to five cups per day is perfectly safe for the general population and has a beneficial effect on alertness and performance even in the case of regular coffee drinkers.

Caffeine, the main active chemical of coffee, blocks adenosine, a chemical that makes you naturally drowsy, increasing concentration and reaction speed. But the long term effects can be really tricky. Once the temporary stimulation stops, the brain cells start needing caffeine for stimulation and a sudden neural sluggishness installs.

2. Caffeine has been found to prevent cognitive decline in the elderly women. Women aged 65 and older who consumed over three cups of coffee (or the same caffeine levels in tea) daily scored better over time on memory tests than women who drank one cup or less of coffee/tea daily did. The memory benefits of the caffeine rise with age - coffee drinkers being 30 % less exposed to memory impairment at age 65 and 70 % less over 80. Still, caffeine consumers did not have lower rates of dementia.

Caffeine seems to slow the dementia process rather than prevent it. Why caffeine has a slightly different effect on women than it does in men is a puzzle.

Caffeine has been found also to protect against Parkinson's disease and depression, and this could be linked to its inhibiting effect on adenosine receptors. Depression is eased because caffeine increases dopamine, the "happy feeling" hormone, in your brain.

3. Italian researchers found that coffee defends against blepharospasm, an involuntary eye spasm which makes patients blink uncontrollably, which may turn into a severe vision impairment, and in severe cases, this can make the patients functionally blind (despite intact eyeballs) as they cannot impede closing their eyes. One to two cups daily have this effect. The blepharospasm onset age was delayed by coffee drinking, with 1.7 years for each extra daily cup, and this could be due to caffeine's effect on the adenosine receptors.

4. Everybody knows the laxative effect of coffee. Brewed coffee also contains soluble cellulose fibers, which help the body absorb vital nutrients, keep a lid on cholesterol and fight constipation. The amounts are of 0.47-0.75 grams of fiber per 100 ml. Freeze-dried coffee came out on top. Men comsume on average about 38 g of fiber a day and women around 25 g. A 240 ml cup of coffee could contain as much as 1.5 g of fiber (3.2 cups means 5 g of fiber).

5. High coffee consumption (more than three cups per day for years) increases loss of bone mineral density. Caffeine is a mild diuretic, speeding up the urination cycle, but "steals" calcium which is lost through urine. Long term, heavy caffeine use leads to a rapid development of osteoporosis.

6. The effect of coffee on the cardiovascular health is controversial: some say it's good, others that it is a risk factor. Caffeine blocking adenosine constricts the brain's blood vessels. The heart beats rate increases, muscles tighten, the blood pressure booms, blood vessels near the surface constrict and more blood flows to the muscles.

Researches show that blood pressure and heart rate spurred in healthy sedentary adults drinking two cans of caffeine containing drinks daily by up to 11 %.

But if you're going to practice sports, the heart beats can increase up to a dangerously high level, while triggering extremities shivering and nausea. On the long term, the unnatural heart racing is unhealthy, and can trigger heart conditions.

7. Caffeine causes sleep disturbances. Don't even think about drinking coffee or other caffeine containing beverages before sleep. And remember that the alkaloid needs 12 hours to be completely eliminated from your body. 

8. A new research has found that coffee could cut the risk of skin cancer. 6 cups of caffeinated coffee daily lowered the likelihood of developing skin cancer by 35 %, while 2-3 cups lowered it by 12 %. Caffeine is believed to impede cells dividing in the tumor, or to work as an antioxidant. One research found coffee and exercising fight against sun-induced skin cancer by 400 %.

Other researches suggest that coffee could be beneficial also against breast cancer.

9. Coffee fights gout symptoms! The beverage lowers uric acid levels on short term, easing the most common and excruciatingly painful inflammatory arthritis in adult males. Drinking 4-5 cups of coffee daily significantly decreases the risk of gout by 40 % and over 6 cups per day by 59 %. Tea (which contains caffeine) has no impact on gout incidence, thus other chemical than caffeine induces this effect; the main suspected being the phenol chlorogenic acid, a powerful antioxidant.

10. Two cups of coffee reduce significantly post-gym muscle pain. Caffeine consumed one-hour before going to the gym induces a 48 % decrease in pain; those who drink caffeine before the near-maximum force test have 26 % drop in soreness. Caffeine boosts endurance, and one study discovered caffeine to decrease pain during moderate-intensity cycling. By blocking the receptors for adenosine, released in response to inflammation and implied in pain sensation, coffee could have this effect. Caffeine seems to be more efficient than conventional pain and soreness reliever drugs, like naproxen (the active ingredient in Aleve), aspirin and ibuprofen.

11. Caffeine mixed with acetaminophen (paracetamol),
one of the most common painkillers used in the US and Europe could harm your liver. The caffeine was discovered to triple the quantity of a toxic byproduct, N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI), produced by the enzyme that breaks down the acetaminophen. Still, the effects would be determined by the daily consume of 20-30 cups of coffee.

12. Caffeine gets women in the mood for sex, especially in moderate amounts and when the women are not heavy drinkers. The chemical is also known to increase excitability in men.

Interestingly, female rats that received the middle dose of caffeine had quicker return visits to the males than the highest dose tested.

13. Researches show that the consume of unfiltered coffee increases the level of cholesterol. Why? Because coffee contains a substance called cafestol which triggers the rise of cholesterol levels. The cafestol blocks a receptor in an intestinal pathway crucial for cholesterol regulation, and is the most potent food chemical to do this.

By pouring hot water over the ground coffee, the cafestol is extracted. The same thing happens when the ground coffee is boiled in water by several times, like in the case of Turkish coffee or Scandinavian brew, or a paper filter is employed, like in French coffee. If the coffee is made without the filter, the cafestol remains in the prepared beverage.

A cup of unfiltered coffee contains up to 4 milligrams of cafestol that can raise the cholesterol level by 1 %. The espresso coffee contains cafestol, as it is not prepared with a filter. Still, this type of coffee can increase less the cholesterol if you use a small cup. Less espresso means less cafestol, probably just 1-2 mg per cup. Still, 5 cups of espresso can raise the cholesterol by 2 %.

Decaffeinated coffee contains cafestol, since removing caffeine does not influence the other compound.

14.Coffee was found to remove 78-90 % of the heavy metals dissolved in the tap water, like lead or copper, because the ground coffee has the molecules not electrically charged or negatively charged, attracting the heavy metals, which are positively charged. Stronger coffee removes a higher amount of the toxic heavy metals. Instead, tea removes just one third of the same amount of lead and has not effect on the copper.

15. Coffee can kill you! Just as any other drug, in small amounts, caffeine (and coffee) is a stimulant. But the coffee plant synthesizes the alkaloid with the purpose of killing�its natural consumers. The grazer eating too much coffee will die. We, too, may be killed. The uncontrolled heart beats are the prelude of a heart attack.

Over 400 mg of caffeine (found in 4-5 cups of brewed coffee) can cause caffeine intoxication. Some even snort caffeine powder, which results in a more rapid and intense reaction. The symptoms are just like those induced by any other drug: restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, face flushing, increased urination, gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, a rambling flow of thought and speech, irritability, irregular heart beat, and psychomotor agitation.

Deadly coffee doses have not been tested on people, but in rats the average lethal dose (LD50) of caffeine is 192 mg/kg: 50 % of the rats died after consuming this quantity. In humans, however, the value would be linked to weight and each one's sensitivity, to about 150 to 200 mg/kg of body mass.

So, you have to drink 80 to 100 cups of coffee very quickly to die... This also varies with the coffee variety, and cup size, as this determines how much caffeine enters your body. Actually, cases of death caused by coffee drinking have not been reported yet (at least from rapid drinking; the chronic effects are another story) but caffeine pills (just 2 g) are much more effective and have been proven lethal.

 So, coffee anyone?

July 11, 2011

Cool Batmobile Replica

Just take a look at this full sized replica of the Batmobile. It was made by one rich Swede and it’s simply amazing.
It was built on a 1973 Lincoln Continental chassis and it took $1 million US dollars (!!) and 3.5 years (20,000 working hours) to complete. Its interior contents: plasma TV and DVD, built in satellite navigation, voice recognition, height adjustment, reversing cameras and more. Nice work!
batmobile replica01
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July 06, 2011

Top 10 Fascinating Facts About Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein, a genius, an icon, a man in desperate need of a comb! Most people know a lot about the famous physicist without even trying to. To begin with it’s easy to see that he never owned a comb in his entire adult life, and it is also common knowledge that never wore socks because he disliked the way holes developed around his big toe. He was born on March 14th 1879 and ended his life in America in 1955 where his last words were lost to use because the nurse at his bed side didn’t understand German. He is a man who has had a periodic element, (einsteinium), named in his honor and one whose social and political rhetoric is studied as avidly as Machiavelli and Gandhi. But let’s see if there aren’t some more fascinating facts about one of the most fascinating people of the 20th century. Here is a list of top 10 fascinating facts about Albert Einstein.

10. Did not Talk Till he was Three

Albert Einstein is called by many the smartest man to have ever lived, but he had a great deal of difficulty in his early childhood development. Some have wondered if he suffered from ‘Asperger’s syndrome’ a high function type of autism. But such speculation is exactly that, speculation. But we do know that he did not learn to speak until he was three years old and even at the age of nine he is said to have spoken hesitantly and with uncertainty. This later information could have been a result of his dislike of this school system, (he went through several and never seemed to enjoy any of them), and his tendency towards introspection and thoughtfulness. If nothing else Albert Einstein is a good example of why being a late bloomer isn’t such a bad thing.

9. A Cottage in Norfolk Saved the World…Maybe

During the 1930’s while Hitler’s National Socialist Party, (the NSDAP), was gaining power and prominence Albert Einstein went to stay in a cottage in Norfolk, England. Einstein (a symptom of being of Jewish ancestry in the 1930’s) constantly had to be uprooted and moved as the political and geographical topography of the world shifted under the pressure of the Nazi’s. When Hitler was elected to power as Chancellor in 1933 it became impossible for him to stay in Nazi Germany and a British M.P, (Member of Parliament), Commander Oliver Locker-Lampson offered him a place to stay in Norfolk. While at the M.P’s cottage, located in the English countryside, Einstein was able to continue work on his scientific theories including developing the ideas behind the first atomic bomb. In many ways being able to retreat to the small cottage in Norfolk could be said to have helped end the war, (depending on your opinion on the atomic bomb), but certainly advanced scientific theory and progress. He left Norfolk to move to America.

8. Grand Theft Cerebral

A lot of people know that Albert Einstein’s brain was removed and given to science for research several hours after his death in 1955, but not many know that he might not have given his consent. It has been said in the past by biographers and friends of the famous physicist that it was Albert’s wish that his mind should be used for scientific research but more recently evidence has come to light to suggest he might never have requested anything of the sort and that his brain was removed without his or his family’s permission. Although Hans Albert Einstein, his son, did agree to it after the brain had already been removed but insisted it only be utilized for serious scientific research in respected journals. After significant study it was discovered that among other thing’s Einstein’s mind contained more gilal cells then most people. These cells are responsible for synthesizing iinformation.

7. He was Swiss

Einstein regained his Germany citizenship in 1914 during the changing political climate at the end of the First World War. He did so when he entered the Germany civil service, (the famous patent office), as well as being a member of the Prussian army and professor at the academy of sciences. But when he left the civil service in 1933, and Germany, he lost that citizenship. Before this happened he had already gained his Swiss citizenship in 1901. But unlike many of the bonds he made during this almost nomadic time in his life he retained his Swiss citizenship until the day he died, even after he became an American citizen in 1940. In fact between 1933 and 1940 he retained his Swiss citizenship only and you could argue that since he held it longer, and until he died, he was more Swiss than anything else.

6. His Work Largely went Unnoticed After the War

While Einstein gained a lot of popular attention for his eccentricity and public image as a member of the scientific community behind the discovery of the atomic bomb, and while most people knew the sight of his unkempt hair style and that he did not own a pair of socks, his work in the later part of his life, went largely unexamined until recently. Einstein had been working on a Unified field theory, (it involved gravity and electromagnetism being solved by one set of equations), and would do so until he died, but from 1920 onwards he also began to concentrate on quantum theory. Most people will have heard of this area of theoretical physics by now, (if not in class then in any number of Hollywood movies that have exploited it), but the work was neglected until very recently and is now at the centre of the discipline being considered alongside such high sounding things as ‘superstring theory.’

5. Married his Cousin

A number of famous people have married their cousins including Jesse James, Franklin Roosevelt, H.G Wells and Charles Darwin. But so did Einstein and he did so with gusto. His first wife, Melvia Maric, (married in January 1903), was a Serbian woman and has been described as having more of an intellectual partnership with Einstein. He had two sons by her. He married his second wife, Elsa Lowenthal, about four months after divorcing Maric who had been living separately for five years. Elsa had nursed Einstein through an illness and this might have led to his affection for her. In any case she was his first cousin on his mother’s side, but also his second cousin on his father’s side making him her cousin two times over on both sides of the family!

4. Won the Nobel Prize for…

One of the more fascinating facts about Albert Einstein is that very few people know what he won a Nobel Prize for in 1922. (Coincidently Nobel was the inventor of dynamite.) Of course an award like the Nobel Prize is actual given for a life time of work, and no one specific thing, but for the purpose of naming a winner a single thing is generally named. In Einstein’s case it was his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect in 1905. (Let’s not go there, but the photoelectric effect has to do with electrons that are given out of a material after the absorption of energy, more to the point x-rays, and Einstein postulated that this absorption was caused by quanta’s of light, now called protons) He invested the prize money heavily in the United States and saw much of his investments wiped out in the Depression of 1929.

3. President of Israel

Here’s a good one. It is largely believed that in 1952 Israel asked Albert Einstein to become Prime Minister. In fact Einstein was asked by the Prime Minister, Ben Gurion, to become Israel’s Second President since it’s foundation in 1948, asking him ‘whether you would accept the Presidency of Israel if it were offered you by a vote of the Knesset.’ Albert, a Jew but not an Israeli citizen, declined the offer saying that while he was honored he was also sad and ashamed to say he could not accept it. There are various reports as to why he turned it down, but by and large they come down to his disinterest at taking on such responsibility, or joining the stress of the political world. After all his entire life had been spent fascinated by physics and the pursuit of scientific answers, his causes and ideology were a necessity brought on by the urgency of his time for good men to say wise words.

2. Funded WWII

In 1944 Albert Einstein decided to write out his 1905 paper, the one that won him the Nobel Prize in Physics, (see item 4 on this list), and auction it off. The papers earned six million dollars and the money was sent to help with the war effort of World War Two. A vocal pacifist and author of the book, ‘Why war?’ ironically Einstein actually helped fund World War Two.

1. Money

Naturally we have been interested in what one of the smartest men who ever lived has to say on nearly everything, not least because he seems to have had so much to say on social and moral issues. A pacifist and social thinker Einstein has undoubtedly been able to teach us a lot outside the world of science, so what did he think was the greatest hold up to human development and social advancement? That’s right, money! In 1934 he wrote that he was convinced wealth would never be an aid to the betterment of humanity, ‘even in the hands of the most devoted worker in this cause.’ He felt that money only caused greed and envy which brought on selfishness and an abuse of power. At the end of the day it is only one man’s opinion and he never said it would be absolutely detrimental or disastrous to have a currency, only that it was the single greatest thing holding us back.

July 05, 2011

Chinese Top Model

When you see these photos except the last two, you said: How beautiful, charming and pretty girl. When you look at the last two, your enthusiasm will dwindle rapidly…
Chinese Top Model   Male?
Chinese Top Model   Male?
Chinese Top Model   Male?
Chinese Top Model   Male?
Chinese Top Model   Male?
Chinese Top Model   Male?
Chinese Top Model   Male?
Chinese Top Model   Male?
Chinese Top Model   Male?
Chinese Top Model   Male?
Chinese Top Model   Male?
Chinese Top Model   Male?

July 04, 2011

An Upside Down World

Everyone is most probably doubtful about who was stronger defied gravity Philippe Ramette (An Upside Down World – this gallery) or Li Wei (I Think I Can Fly – photo gallery). Both artists had a great idea but it’s up to you to choose the winner. “The French artist Philippe Ramette believes nothing should ever be faked. His improbable, gravity-defying poses might look like classic Photoshop, until you notice they are peppered with little incongruities. “You see a tension in my hands, my red face is far from serene as the blood rushes to it, my suit is ruffled.”" – guardian.co.uk

Still could not understand? I'll let the picture do the talking...

So, now do you think you are creative enough?