December 30, 2011

5 Productive Qualities for Effective Studying


Many people read books but when asked to recall, they struggle to recall. Are you one of them? Have you been attending classes of knowledge, eager to learn about the deen, but feel you’re not retaining anything? During the lesson do you say to yourself “there’s no way I’m going to forget this point so no need writing it down”; and then a week later you cannot recall a line of the session you attended?
Whenever you go to a class or read a book, or even listen to an Islamic talk on your mp3 player, there are some productive attitudes before studying you should try to implement. Below are just a few attitudes one should have:
You need to ask yourself “why am I learning or reading this book”? “Is it so people can call me a knowledgeable person”? “Is it to win in debates”? Is it to draw people’s faces towards you? If any of these questions apply this is the case then you will not benefit at all in your studies.
Ibn Masud said, “Knowledge is not constant narration, rather it is a light that is placed in the heart.
“Indeed those who fear Allah are those who have knowledge.” [Surah Fatir verse 28]
Sufyaan Ath-Thawree said: ”The excellence of knowledge is due only to the fact that it causes a person to fear and obey Allah, otherwise it is just like anything else.”

bittaufiq wannajah.jpg

The very first thing one must take into consideration is that the knowledge you are about to learn is ibadah, it is a form of private worship, an action between you and Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala).
Sufyaan Ath-Thawree said: ”I have never found anything more difficult than my own intentions.”
Look at your deeds, those that are done in public and those done secretly, are your public deeds more than your secret deeds, do you enjoy the public deeds more than the secret? If that is the case you need to deeply look at your intention. Who are you doing it for, the people or Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala)?

The likeness of the one who remembers his Rabb and the one who doesn’t is like the living and the dead.

The student of knowledge should begin with the Name of Allah and be aware that Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) is watching them. This will bring barakah to your studies insha’Allah.

“Whoever attempts to be successful in seeking knowledge while insisting upon excessive eating, drinking, and sleeping is attempting the impossible.” [Excerpts taken from book ‘The Manners of the Knowledge Seeker’]


Sometimes when you learn and have studied you are tempted to make your tongue loose, and you sometimes like to talk more than you like to listen.
“Whoever believes in the last day let him say what is good or remain silent” [Bukhari]
Imam Shafi’ee said if you wish to say something, let him think, if you conclude that there is no harm, speak. If you conclude that your words will bring about harm, do not speak.
Luqman (may Allah be pleased with him) was asked “How did you become so wise? He replied: I do not ask for what I don’t need, and I don’t speak about what does not concern me.” [Excerpts taken from book ‘The Manners of the Knowledge Seeker’]

Another attitude we should have is to respect our teachers and know that there is someone always more knowledgeable than ourselves.
Imam Shafi’ee said, ”I would turn the pages of my books in front of Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) in a very soft and quite way so that he wouldn’t be bothered by noise, out of respect for him.”
Ibn Abbas: “I humbled myself as a student so I became honourable as a teacher.”


When one learns knowledge, it should humble them. If you say, I see knowledgeable people with bad manners, what you see is mere speech that they concoct up with their tongues at times, and reject at times with their hearts. This is not sincere knowledge that has penetrated into their lives.
In order to be productive we need to learn manners, manners with knowledge. Abdullah ibn Mubarak said: “I spent thirty years learning manners and twenty years learning knowledge.”
The next time we want to study let us see if we can have these 5 simple productive attitudes to increase the benefits of our efforts.

Special thanks to : 

Tolong Fotostet

Hi~ I have something to share here. Some random stuff.

Hari ini adalah hari pertama Sepiah bekerja, jadi masa mula-mula kerja
nie, dia kena la baik-baik dengan boss. Jam dah pukul 6:30 petang Sepiah
bersiap-siap untuk balik. Tiba-tiba nambak boss dia (En Zain) dok dekat 1
mesin shredder tengah nak letak kertas kat situ dan terkial-kial nak
mengendalikan mesin tu.
Bila ternampak Sepiah belum balik, En Zain panggil Sepiah “Sepiah, awak
tau cara operate this thing?” Sepiah jawap “Sure, Tekan je button ni”
“Dokumen ni penting ni, seketari saya lupa nak buat sebelum dia balik
tadi” terang En Zain. “Awak boleh buatkan untuk saya?” sambung En Zain.
“Boleh” jawap Sepiah dengan confident lalu tekan button dan dokumen tu
shredded la. Kemudian ada bunyi telefon dan En Zain angkat, setelah
bercakap seketika, En Zain memberitahu Sepiah…
“Sepiah, boleh tak dokumen yg awak photostat tadi tu buat 3 copy”
Has: my father has one shop - for photostat n all (MOST) My Own Service Trading
Promoter. LOL
source :

SEX Itu Apa?

Alkisah seorang anak perempuan yang baru masuk tadika bertanya kepada mummynya..
‘Mummy, mummy? sex itu apa mi?’..

Terkedulah si ibu.. Terasalah akanarus  kemodenan zaman sekarang yang berjaya membuatkan manusia berfikiran lebih terbuka.
Sesuai dengan konsep pendidikan seks yang sedang hangat diperkatakan, mulalah si ibu mencari jawapan yg sesuai untuk anaknya dengan harapan anaknya takkan tertinggal dalam arus pendidikan sejagat.
Maka si ibu pun mula memberikan jawapan mengenai apa itu sex dengan perumpamaan antara kumbang dan bunga, diikuti dengan pembentukkan bayi dalam kandungan dan
diselitkan juga dengan kisah percintaan antara dirinya dan suaminya dari zaman universiti lagi sehinggalah kepada kehadiran si comel iaitu anak gadisnya yang bertanya itu..
Selepas begitu panjang lebar dan teliti memberikan jawapan, secara tiba-tiba si anak menangis teresak-esk.. Si ibu kehairanan dan bertanya mengapa dia bersikap seperti itu.
Si anak menjawab dalam tangisan.. Jawapan mummy tu panjang, ruangan jawabannya pendek saja ni…seraya menyerahkan buku latihan yang tertulis kat depannya (cover)..
Credit : dan

December 23, 2011

In The Midst of Hardship

In The Midst of Hardship by Latiff Mohidin

At dawn they returned home
their soaky clothes torn
and approached the stove
their limbs marked by scratches
their legs full of wounds
but on their brows
there was not a sign of despair
The whole day and night just passed
they had to brave the horrendous flood
in the water all the time
between bloated carcasses
and tiny chips of tree barks
desperately looking for their son’s
albino buffalo that was never found

They were born amidst hardship

and grew up without a sigh or a complaint
now they are in the kitchen, making
jokes while rolling their ciggarete leaves

Hello Everyone (well reader of course, walaupun sikit. ha5)~ xD
Dah lama x update blog.
well, I've been busy as an inventor. LOL <--poyo.
Humm, nk share yg atas nye poem, by Latiff Mohidin translated by Salleh Ben Joned.
Mase form 5 dulu xlah blajar novel nie, nie kementerian bru je wt kuar suruh blajar.
Straight to the point,

"This poem is about a family who faces  hardship whereby their son’s albino buffalo is nowhere to be found. A flood occurs and they go out to find the buffalo. They reach home early in the morning without the buffalo and yet there is no  sign of despair in them. Meanwhile, they can still crack jokes and roll the cigarettes."

yg nie version malay punye:

Dalam Bencana
Mereka pulang ke rumah
waktu subuh hari
dengan pakaian robek basah
menghampiri api tungku
lengan mereka penuh calar
kaki mereka penuh luka
tapi di kening mereka
tidak kelihatan rasa kecewa

Sehari semalaman
mereka mengharungi banjir
berendam antara bangkai ternakan
dan serpihan kulit tumbuhan
kerbau balar si buyung
masih belum ditemui.

Mereka dilahirkan dalam bencana
tidak ada keluhan dan kutukan
kini mereka berjenaka di dapur
sambil menggulung rokok daun.

Okay. Dlm panjang2 post nie, point sy sikit jew.yg psl kesusahan 2 sume dh faham kn? :)
Question 1: ape perasaan membaca yg dalam kte punye bahasa ibunda dan bahasa lain?
Question 2: selepas ditranslate kan, adakah yg disampaikan sama dengan yg telah ditranslatekan?

to cut to the chase:
Bahasa Asal bibble klo x silap Herbew. 
dan telah ditranslatekan oleh beberapa org secara berperingkat(copy n paste)
semasa sebelum printer/mesin cetak dicipta.
Kalau kte tengok sekarang, bibble nie ade byk version dan isi2 dalamannya
banyak berbeza antara satu sama lain.
Sebagai muslim/muslimah, kita wajib mempercayai kitab2 terdahulu termasuk 
Injil(yg original)
Question: salahkan bagi org Islam membaca injil?
soalan dari saya: kenapa nk baca injil? dah memang khatam ke sume sudut dari Al Quran?
Okay, klau saya salah tolong betulkan.
Dalam Islam terdapat pergerakan dakwah melalui Perbandingan Agama
'Comparative Religion'.
Pernah dengar Ahmed Deedat x?
atau tanya ajew pakcik google.
Shaikh Ahmed Deedat nie salah seorang umala' dalam
'Comparative Religion'.
Beliau mengkaji bibble dan kitab2 agama lain 
untuk menunjukkan bukti sedikit persamaan dalam agama
dan menunjukkan bukti kebenaran Al Quran.
"Pada awal dakwah rasulullah, baginda melarang
daripada membacanya(injil) 
disebabkan umat Islam pada masa itu sedikit pada jumlah dan masih
lemah imannya. 'Pada awal waktu dakwah- "

Dekat Malaysia pon ade yg membawa comparative religion nie dalam dakwah mereka.
salah seorangnya, Bro Shah Kirit. 
Setelah beliau mengkaji tentang Al Quran dan Islam, saudara kita nie masuk Islam.
(kalau x silap la, ke asalnya sbb perkahwinan?? nevermind.)
Ckp pasal Al Quran nie, mesti sume dah taw pasal kenapa Al Quran punye kandungan
dijaga dan x berubah sehingga kiamat kan?
Jadi berbalik kpd yg tadi...
Tabligh atau penyampai ialah salah satu sifat rasul.
dan kita wajib berdakwah. Tp x semistinya berdakwah 2 kne jadi mcm tabligh2 2.
Dakwah is easy.
Okay, now I'll share one video. *like this one a lot* xD
LOL. oklah. dah panjang mengarut.
fin. xD

"to relate the unrelated"